Addition of daratumumab to bortezomib and dexamethasone in patients with relapsed or refractory shows promising results in a phase III trialMyelomaOctober 13, 2016
SURVEY: Reasonable agreements between pharmaceutical companies and patient advocatesMPEOctober 6, 2016
EMA reconsiders and gives its positive opinion for the approval of ixazomibAccess, MyelomaSeptember 17, 2016
MPE encourages EMA to review its negative recommendation for ixazomibAccess, MPE, MyelomaAugust 16, 2016
MPE to hold the “EHA 2016 Highlights in myeloma” webinar on 14th JulyConferences, MPE, MyelomaJune 24, 2016
MPE present at the XXXVI World Congress of the International Society of HematologyConferences, MPEApril 19, 2016